
A man in cycling helmet and clothes poses with a photo with his bike, with a rural landscape and blue sky behind.

Simon’s Cycling Challenge for Cancer Research

Simon Hall is undertaking a cycling fundraising challenge in 2024. His aim is to ride a 100 miles each month this year to raise money for Cancer Research UK. We found out from Simon the motivation behind the challenge and, nearly half way through the year, how he’s getting on.

“Ten years ago I was given the challenge of cycling 100 miles on a Boris Bike to support the LN6 Project and the new hire bike system in Lincoln. I completed this during the Lincs C2C2C an amazing event that has in its 12 years raised nearly £250k for local causes. I’m proud to say I’m one of the originals who’ve ridden all of them. Fast forward 10 years of a love/mainly hate relationship with cycling I want to see if the legs are still there!

2023 seemed to be a year where cancer was everywhere. Family members/close colleagues or their families all had various scares. In particular my Aunt had treatment for Breast Cancer. She has thankfully beaten the disease for a second time. It was this that gave me the inspiration to celebrate the ten year anniversary of my original 100 mile bike ride with this new challenge whilst doing my bit to help rid the world of cancer.

I decided to complete a 100 mile bike ride each month in 2024 (not cumulative each month). My family has already had a long history of cancer. My children never got to meet their Gran and me my Grandad, so I want to honour as many memories as possible by tying these rides in with special anniversaries.

Five months in, I’ve dealt with minus conditions in January, rain and wind in February, March and April and a trial of the new C2C2C route in May. Starting the challenge in January when the weather is at its worst and my fitness was at the lowest was possibly not my brightest move. Hopefully now they’ll be a couple of good months before the weather turns again!

My next ride will be the 2024 C2C2C followed by an overnight ride 23/24 July to coincide with my Grandad’s passing and more positively my Aunt’s birthday.”

Support Simon and donate to Cancer Research

“I’m sure everybody reading has been affected by cancer in some way so any donations to this great cause would be most appreciated”

You can donate to Simon’s Fundraising Challenge on his JustGiving page