
Dean joined the Man v Fat community over 3 years ago when he realised his lack of exercise and unheathy diet had led him to put on lots of weight. Man V Fat is a programme which encourages men lose weight while playing football.

Working nights my meal times were all back to front and most of the time I spent on the sofa eating unhealthy snacks while watching the tv. I did no exercise and I really didn’t realise how big I was until I saw a certain photo of myself and thought I need to do something about this.

My time with the MAN v FAT community has been amazing, I’ve met so many amazing people and having moved up here from London it was great finding new friends. I have achieved so much, I’ve overcome some personal battles as I’m not very good in social situations and I now feel more confident. I learnt how to cook great dishes as well as try new food. I lost around 9 and a half stone in weight going from 22.7 stone to 13.4 stone  and a 46 waist to 32 and a 4xl to a medium. 

I went from doing no exercise to going for runs in the evening,  trying to go to the gym 5 days a week as well as squeezing in as many games of football as I could a week. I’ve played football at Manchester City Academy and at  Peterborough’s ground. I also ran 5k fun runs with the kids.

I work nights so it’s quite easy to go home in the morning and crash out on the sofa and catch up on tv. I felt like it’s my comfort zone that I didn’t have to move, go out or socialize especially as I’m not good in social situations. I’m married with 2 kids and 4 step kids and 4 grand children. My weight just got out of control and working in a supermarket it’s so easy to be tempted.

Joining the MAN v FAT community has been life changing it has made me feel more confident, more sociable and more active. I have overcome lots of battles that I would not have done before.

I have pushed myself, tried new food, joined a gym even started to go running, something that I thought that I would never enjoy. I had something that really motivated me and the support from everyone was amazing I have met friends for life I feel fitter better and healthier than I have ever done before. 

Find out more about Man v Fat Lincolnshire

Find out more about the Man v Fat Challenge

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